Family of Jogger Tragically Killed Gets Justice

After four long years of litigation, the family of a 23-year old jogger who was tragically killed in San Jose gets final resolution. The settlement came just a few days before a jury trial was scheduled to start in San Jose.

“Representing the Pabla family was a true honor,” said Medina, the Altair partner handling the case. The family lost their youngest child and only daughter after two vehicles collided on Yerba Buena Road, went off-road penetrating a City guardrail, and then collided with an illegally parked utility truck, killing the young jogger. The civil case took longer than usual because there were pending criminal trials against the two drivers involved in causing the collision. The motivating factor behind the suit was public safety. The family brought awareness to the hazards that existed on this stretch of Yerba Buena and part of the settlement requires the City of San Jose to have an engineer evaluate the guardrails that are intended to protect pedestrians from run-off vehicles on Yerba Buena. The settlement with the City, which is pending City Council and Mayor approval, is the last remaining piece of the case and follows resolution with both drivers for the full limits of their insurance coverage and an undisclosed settlement with the private utility company.

Altair attorneys are always looking for opportunities in their cases to impact the community at large, this case is great example of a resolution that has a wider community reach.


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