J. Kevin Morrison and Josh White join Altair Law

Altair Law is pleased to announce that J. Kevin Morrison and Joshua D. White have joined Altair Law as partners. Together, they have over 35 years’ experience representing victims in catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases. Kevin and Josh have worked as a team since 2012 when Josh joined Kevin at their former firm.

Their clients have chosen to follow Kevin and Josh to Altair. These cases include more than 40 victims harmed by the shooting at the UPS facility in San Francisco in June 2017. The ongoing litigation has been featured in national and local media. Their clients include the surviving family members of two of those killed, two others who were shot but survived, and dozens of other workers who were present at the time of the shootings, fled for their lives and now suffer PTSD. In addition to the UPS shooting litigation, Kevin and Josh handle a variety of catastrophic injury cases including those involving traumatic brain injury, construction site injury, and automobile and ride share cases. The team’s expertise in litigation against ride share companies is well known, having successfully litigated the first wrongful death claim against Lyft.

“We are excited to join our friends Craig Peters, Andje Medina and Jeremy Cloyd at Altair. Craig and I have been friends and colleagues for years, having met in ABOTA, and have always talked about joining forces. At Altair, we know our clients will continue to be well served,” Morrison said. “And, we are honored that our clients chose to follow us here.”

“I am thrilled to join Altair with Kevin. Craig, Andje and Jeremy are all dynamic, hardworking, top flight trial lawyers. All of us want to continue to make a real difference in society with the cases we handle. At Altair, we will be able to do that with an incredible team of trial attorneys,” White said.

Practice Areas

465 California Street, 5th floor
San Francisco, Ca 94104

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