Media Questions Employer Fault in Workplace Shootings


Kevin Morrison was recently quoted in a Marketplace article that evaluates whether employers can be sued following a workplace shooting. Mr. Morrison and Joshua D. White, partners at Altair Law, represent dozens of victims of the 2017 UPS workplace mass shooting. “Many people don’t realize that employers who provide workers’ compensation benefits are often shielded from additional liability,” said Mr. Morrison, who addressed the legal challenges victims face in pursuing claims against their employers after a shooting because of the workers’ compensation exclusivity rule. Mr. Morrison added that while there are exceptions to the rule, their application is extremely limited, resulting in what is essentially a no-fault employer system.

Altair Law believes any victim of a workplace shooting should seek the advice of counsel. Altair Law will evaluate any workplace shooting to determine whether an exception applies to the workers’ compensation exclusivity rule and whether there are any additional non-employer actors at fault.



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